
Kwentong Katekista 6

As part of the National Catechetical Study’s Pastoral Action Research and Intervention (PARI) Project spearheaded by the Research Center for Social Sciences and Education, in coordination with the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines – Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education (CBCP-ECCCE), Kwentong Katekista 6 (on Bible Catechesis) will take place on March 22, 2021 (Monday), via Facebook Live.

The main e-shares in the event are: Rev. fr. Wenifredo V. Padilla III, O.P., STL-MA, SSL (Lead Interventionist for the Bible Catechesis), Asst. Prof. Reuel Rito N. Se帽o, MA (President, Religious Educators Association of the Philippines), Ms. Clarina Bataan (Catechist, Our Lady of Manaoag Parish), and Mr. Bryan G. de Quiroz (Catechist, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish). Joining them are Most Rev. Roberto C. Mallari, DD (Bishop of the Diocese of San Jose de Nueva Ecija and Chair of the CBCP-ECCCE) and Rev. Fr. Ernesto B. de Leon (Executive Secretary of the CBCP-ECCCE).

Interested participants are invited to pre-register.

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